Income Tax Preparation -Corporate Tax Preparation
Income tax preparation of your individual or Corporate tax returns can be a challenge that often leaves you with more questions than answers! According to a report released by the Government's General Accounting Office, most taxpayers find using a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) specialist is beneficial... in answering questions for both individual and Corporate income tax preparation and filing of the income tax returns.
Because tax laws are constantly changing, we work with you throughout the year to keep you abreast of these changes and their effects on how to manage your income tax preparation. Through our tax planning services, we also help you minimize both your current and future tax liabilities. Even if you use a computer software program, there is no substitute for the help of an experienced Certified Public Accountant tax professional.
If you do not have the time to meet with Lopato & Associates regarding your income tax preparation, you may fax, mail, or e-mail your information to us. We will complete your individual and/or Corporate tax returns and will contact you if additional information is needed. This can save you valuable time during your busy schedule and can accelerate the completion of your income tax return.
Lopato & Associates is a Certified Public Accountanting (CPA) firm and performs sophisticated accounting for individual and Corporate-related income tax preparation and prepares tax returns for your signature. We provide Corporate and individual consulting, financial planning, debt analysis and much more.
For assistance with organizing your taxes down load the 2012 Year End tax planning Guide PDF.
You can expect these individual and corporate income tax preparation services from Lopato & Associates:
- Your income tax return will be checked and rechecked by our computer software identifying potential problems or audit risks that the IRS may investigate.
- The software also eliminates errors that are commonly made on paper income tax return.
- Your income tax return can be filed electronically so you will get your refund in 7-10 business days.
- Your refund, if you are due one, can be direct deposited into your bank account!
- Our staff will show you how to adjust your payroll withholding to minimize your deductions each week.
- We will show you potential deductions to limit your tax liability for next year. In addition, we will give you a sheet of commonly overlooked deductions to limit the following year's tax liability.
- All returns are reviewed by a licensed Certified Public Accountant.
Bookkeeping Problems: We Can Help!
If you own a business and struggle to keep your bookkeeping current, we can help. We will prepare your bookkeeping for the year, prepare a Schedule C, and your personal tax return. In addition, we can assist you in establishing an easy system that allows you to keep your books in top condition for next year.
Income Tax Preparation
Lopato & Associates income tax preparation office provides income tax return services, the way it's meant to be friendly, timely and accurate. We make customers our number-one priority so when you need a tax professional, Lopato & Associates is your best choice and provides a computerized income tax return preparation service, electronic filing, audit assistance and free review of income tax return.
Lopato & Associates provides high quality federal and state income tax return services. Having a professional prepare your taxes you can get savings that you did not know were even possible? At Lopato & Associates, your tax situation is analyzed by tax professionals who know the tax codes. Instead of using generic software that will miss potential savings or cause you to pay extra taxes your income tax return is analyzed by a Certified Public Accountant, who will prepare your income taxes correctly the first time and save you interest, penalties and missed income tax rebates.
If you need help with the IRS, Board of Equalization, Franchise Tax Board, EDD give us a call (858) 549-1295.
Lopato & Associates is comprised of Accounting, Tax and Computer experts who are ready to provide professional solutions for our clients. If you are ready for the next generation, one stop solution call us now!
Our professional services Include:
- Accounting
- Auditing
- Computer Consulting
- Payroll
- Bookkeeping
- Tax Settlements
- QuickBooks Service
- Individual income tax return
- Corporate tax preparation
Lopato & Associates
7968 Arjons Drive Suite A 204
San Diego CA.92126
Tel:(858) 549-1295
Fax: (858) 549-1296
Call or e-mail Lopato & Associates today for professional income tax preparation services.